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SKU UNI FAN SL120 Categories ,


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Availability: In stock


  • Revolutionary fan with modular design, interlocking fan that can be linked up and operate with a fan and RGB cable. The included UNI HUB contains 4 designated UNI FAN ports. Each port can connects to a cluster of 4 UNI FANs via the cable module, allowing users to control up to 16 UNI FANs in one go. The L-Connect software enables users to control and adjust fan RPM, colors, brightness and lighting effects with extreme ease. moreover, pass control to the motherboard.

    • Designated Cable Modules for UNI FANS
    • Sophisticated RGB Lightning
    • Vibrant RGB Lightning Visible From All Angles
    • Unprecedented Modularity

Lian Li UNI FAN SL120 Single Pack WHITE NO Controller ARGB 120mm LED PWM 1900RPM

Weight 1 kg


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