CORSAIR CV650WATT open box New Power Supply

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SKU CV-650 Categories , ,


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Availability: In stock

CORSAIR CV power supplies are ideal for powering your new home or office PC, with 80 PLUS Bronze efficiency guaranteed to continuously deliver full wattage to your system.

  • 80+ Bronze certified efficiency provides up to 88% operational efficiency generating less heat and lowering your energy costs
  • CORSAIR CV Series power supplies are to deliver their full rated wattage of continuous power
  • A 120mm thermally controlled low-noise cooling fan only spins at high speed when your power supply is under heavy stress slowing down for quieter operation at lower loads
  • Compact 125mm-long casing ensures an easy fit in almost all modern PC cases
  • Black sleeved cables and a black powder-coated casing seamlessly fits your PCโ€™s styl

CORSAIR CV650WATT Open Box New Power Supply


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